He may think he’s “getting away with it” but lack of character catches up with all of us, one way or another. He’ll go down in the history books along with Joseph McCarthy and people of that ilk. RASKIN: Well, the reason that the founders of the Constitution put impeachment in the Constitution is because they wanted us to have government of the people, and this is an exercise in popular. Gaetz isn’t fit to wipe the boots of either General Milley or Jamie Raskin.
This crack about Raskin is like the time he went after General Milley. He doesn’t belong in any capacity of public service. That’s a statement about his character, but not like the cheap shot he just took at Raskin. 6 investigation From Your Site Articles WATCH: Matt Gaetz's extremist takeover remarks just backfired. When Gaetz was 35 he paid a 17-year-old o have sex with him. He doesn’t belong in any capacity of public service. Jamie Raskin throws Jim Jordan's words from Benghazi back in his face for Jan. When Gaetz was 35 he paid a 17-year-old o have sex with him. We know he’s a swine, again, no new information there, but what is with him and this recent breaking of the mold? So now there is to be zero civility in Congress? A moral compass only exists to be smashed, is that the message here? I don’t know what is with Gaetz these days. Matt Gaetz as he ranted about the January 6 insurrection and downplayed its significance during a House Rules Committee.
Thank you, Fred Guttenberg, for chiming in. Jamie Raskin of Maryland on Wednesday mocked Republican Rep. Mr Gatez accepts Mr Biden is the president, but says Mr Trump would be in the Oval Office if the scales weren’t tipped. Do America a favor & take your trust fund and dissappear. Mr Raskin pressed Mr Gaetz on whether he accepts Mr Biden won the election. 'Blah, blah, blah,' Raskin said as Gaetz downplayed the significance of the deadly Capitol riot. Matt, the phrase "scum of the earth" truly defines you. Jamie Raskin ridiculed Matt Gaetz as he ranted against the probe into the January 6 insurrection. is one of the finest people I know, and like him, I deal with the loss of my daughter. I never imagined a lower point for but he found it. Perhaps that is true and we’re going to have to put up with more of this. I’m told that Gaetz is bulletproof in his district. That was a tacky and vile thing to say.īut to go after Jamie Raskin and imply some psychological imbalance due to the suicide of Raskin’s son a while back is not only crossing the Rubicon it is turning the Rubicon into a sewer and then using a firehose to drench us all with its contents. I thought he had hit rock bottom a few days ago when he said that he would rather give Nancy Pelosi a sponge bath than eat dinner with Adam Schiff - to Schiff’s great relief I am sure. It’s not new information that Matt Gaetz is the scum of the earth.